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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lady Frankenstein Makeup!

Lady Frankenstein!
Hey everybody! I recently read the book, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I have to say that it is such a wonderful novel! My heart goes out to Frankenstein's monster, all he wanted in the whole wide world was to be loved, to have somebody to spend his life with. His whole life he was rejected, turned away from humanity, and spurned with hatred. In the book, the monster begs his creator, Frankenstein to make a woman for him, whom he can love and live with, someone as wretched as he. The Doctor begins and is almost finished but he gets scared that there will be a race of 'demons of hell' and throws the whole project away. I always admired the monster, and think perhaps one could look past his looks to love his beautiful mind. Oh, fiction you wrap me up within you far too much.  Anyway! If any of you are interested as in what you need to get this Lady Frankenstein look, look no farther! I did this whole look for under $5! Also a regular black eyeliner for a wing. Do not fret just see below, here are the treasures of my trove!

I first used this white  eyeshadow that I bought today for nearly $1! I spread this all over my lid as a base. I didn't want the turquoise to be too bright, more green and matte.
Sally Hansen

This is the only real color I used and it was only $1. It is a bright bright turquoise in person. Very glittery. My only sadness was that it wasn't very thick. I had to apply multiple times to get the effect I desired.

Rimmel White Eyeliner

 I lined my lower lid with this and an inner tearducts to give my eyes a more open and awake look.
Nivea Lip Balm

Rimmel Lash Accelerator


  1. Your books sound like a good read. I would have felt sorry for the monster too...I always find myself rooting for the underdog!

    Your eyes remind me of Amy Winehouse with that liner. Great photo of you!

  2. @Kris
    I suggest you read it if you have as much sympathy for the underdog as I do! Thank you! I love a good winged liner!

  3. Great pic yes.And when I saw the title I immediately thought I should have used it in my post How my friend Cali is painting me(she si make up artist and does practise on my face),
    However you look far betetr here:))

  4. omg ur eyes are so perfect :o i hate my eyes so boring !
